Climbing on everything - legs, chairs, couches, benches, crib - everything. As soon as you set him down he is off, chasing after whatever suits his fancy at that moment.
Sometimes I have to pinch myself.
I am revisiting the preconceived notion that I would have more freedom - to clean, wash dishes, sew, read, blog etc. - once he was mobile. Boy, was I wrong...You can't even look away for a split second before he's all the way across the room, getting into something bright and shiny:
I don't want him to live with us when he's forty-two.
But he's not even two yet. And I am pretty sure we still want him to live with us when he's two.
Maybe not two, I hear those are terrible.
But then we'll move on to three after 365 days of two.
I am getting ahead of myself.
Let's just work on making it to one first.

Love those baby feet.
What a cutie with his striped pants on! And you're right, I could totally eat those feet!