Here we go...I love:
1. When he pats me on my arm or back when I am holding him. Moreover, when I watch him pat his daddy, like he's saying, "Good job, pops. I knew you could do it."
2. Finding him flipped over from his tummy to his back in the morning or waking up from naps...and how he's somehow squirmed to the monitor, with his mouth real close, saying in his best squeals and babbles, "Attention, is this thing on?"
3. His laugh. His big, fat, glorious laugh.
4. He has discovered Grits, like REALLY discovered her. It's hard not to discover a 60lb brown dog that likes to lick your ear when you are rolling around on the floor. And he thinks she is the coolest and weirdest creature ever. He has no idea the adventures and trouble they will find together. Before we know it, Noah will like her better than us.

Here's Noah on his 4 month "birthday" sitting like a big guy in the rocking chair his Aunt Erika gave him.
Cute kid, I think. All 16.6lbs and 25.75in of him.
Feel free to share your favorite new things about my little ham. Or your little ham.
Speaking of ham... my domestic duties are calling.
What's for supper? Can't wait til Noah pesters me with that question like I did my mama. That may or may not appear on one of my "favorite things" lists.
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