But, Eleven, I'm watching you.
1. Noah's parents aren't the only ones with the watersports bug, he got his start this month on the boat as well. Dennis and Stephanie took the Ford Family out on our own tour of WBL and I think Noah enjoyed it as much as the rest of us... Once more and he might be as good of a skier as his paternal grandpa.
As soon as we docked he woke right up.
Abigail was able to come and spend almost two whole weeks being "Mama Helper" while her brother and sister were at camp in North Cackalacky. We played, swam, skied, ate ice cream, crafted, watched movies, and loved on Noah. You would never guess the amount of help an almost-six-year-old could be, but I could definitely handle a little helper more often.
We jet-setted to Boone for a few days, meeting Krystal and her family for the first time.
Picture to come.
As well as Debbye and Nancy who joined us for the shower in Black Mountain.
5. Noah and I spent what seems like half of July in the mountains, either in Balsam or Boone. He's explored mountains, streams, wildflowers, abandoned houses, blackberry bushes, wild ponies, rock climbers, mountain peaks, and more...all from the comfort of my back. He likes to hike, looking around to take it all in. Of course, I would probably love it even more if I got to ride on someone's back. Any takers?
Hiking around with my mom and dad on their first visit to YASNY.Hiking up to see the original homestead on the mountain.
6. Teeth numbers five, six, and seven are poking there way on through. I am fairly certain these little boogers have been the most painful for him, even still, he takes it like a champ. These little white specks are constant reminders that he will never stop growing, never stop changing - no matter how hard I try to convince myself otherwise. I find myself wishing he could just keep the four little charming chompers he has now... we do live in East Tennessee, that's a lot by some standards.
Beware of biting baby...I recommend visually counting the teeth.
7. All along our sweet guy has been extremely laid-back and very low-maintenance, rarely putting up a fuss for much of anything. And now he's discovered all the new things his voice can do - and boy, does he use them. He has learned/taught himself/concocted this high-pitched-nails-down-a-chalkboard-make-your-hair-stand-up-glass-shattering scream that physically makes my body hurt when he does it. This cry is reserved for when he is not getting his way, say at naptime when he thinks naps are for babies (I've got news for you, kid) or at mealtime when brocolli just ain't cutting it. It makes me want to leave the room - and if he is adequately supervised (some days Grits counts) I may just walk away.
Don't let those big blue eyes fool you.
8. Alas, our child is no longer a vegetarian. Unless he chooses to go Veg some other time in his life, he can always say he was until he was ten months old. And the first meat of choice? An all-natural beef frank - yep, a hot dog. He devoured it piece by piece and probably would have gone back for more. His face is all shiny and his little fingers are slick with all-natural grease (ha) when he finishes. I wonder if my strange hankering for hot dogs when I was six months pregnant could have been Noah letting me in on his preferences while in the womb? I wouldn't have touched a hot dog for nothing before then...
Noah says, "Thanks, Aunt KD, for my first (of many) scrumptious hot dogs."
9. Noah has learned the wave. Not the sportsfan phenomenon of people standing and sitting in repetition as the "wave" moves across the stadium, though that would be impressive. He's telling people "bah-buh" while awkardly waving his limp hand in the air. He doesn't really have the timing down yet, so he will likely kick visitors out of our house or try to depart early from places, but it's so darn cute you can hardly stand it. He uses "bah-buh" for greetings and salutations accompanied with a wave so far... though he does say "ayeee" which is definitely his hello.
Hola. Aloha. Bonjour. Hiya. Hello there. Hey y'all.
10. And last but absolutely not least, our little one has found his M's and has been working on his "ma-mas" all month. Melts my heart, yes it does. Does he call me mama? Well, no - anything can be "ma-ma" at this point, but it's started, and that's all that matters.
Loving on his mama before we floated down the river.
So yes, time flies when you are having fun and even sometimes when you aren't (see number seven). We are looking forward to lots of fun things in months eleven and twelve, but it's okay if they take time getting here.
There are LOTS of pictures and videos that go along with this update, but our computer has been captured by the Geek Squad, so they will have to wait. I thought I ought to finish the post itself before I got fired. From life.
Upcoming on the blog: More of my thoughts and opinions on life, love, saving the planet, changes, and things I find consuming my time these days. Stay tuned.
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