Oh wait. Wrong place.
Welcome to Mayfield Dairy, where our milk is vacuumed and you must wear a hairnet!
I like to learn new things about food, agriculture, why fresh milk is amazing, the area I live in, etc. It makes me feel smart and well-informed...
- Ever wonder why their milk is bottled in yellow bottles? Let me tell you: Mayfield packages in the yellow plastic because it helps protect the milk from UV rays that decrease the nutritional value and the taste. Within the first two hours of sitting on the store shelf, milk packaged in the regular carton loses 25% of nutrients and flavor. Who knew? (Apparently Mr. Mayfield...)
- Here's a fun cow fact: Cows spend six hours a day eating and eight hours a day chewing cud. That's fourteen hours of food consumption. Holy cow...
I found a little joy and humor in watching him figure this out.
Maybe they should start charging for the hairnets to drive down the milk price.No babies were harmed in the taking of these pictures.
He did eventually figure it out.
Allison & Noah... I am pretty sure Al is his first attempt at a girlfriend.
Can you see his dirty little feet? Love it.
Love the boy, love the dirt.
Love the boy, love the dirt.
I will say that even with knowing the ins and outs of the Mayfield's Dairy, their milk is so dang expensive it's hard to justify buying. I wrestle with this because I know it's better, more controlled, fresher (hello, it's basically coming from my backyard), but I am still a cheap, self-indulging, look-for-the-best-bargain-and-don't-ask-questions, processed-product-filled, American.
I can't think of anything better than a cherry red hairnet to spend my money on.
What a cute field trip! I remember drinking milk from yellow jugs. I never see them out here, though, now that I think of it.