1. "buh buh puh puh": these are Noah's first "words". I think the "buhs" are his attempt at "ball" as he will find the ball in the room as he says it and someone else repeats it. His "talking" (not squealing) is also done in this faint whisper, like he's really thinking hard about it because he doesn't want to mess up what he's saying. Very cute...

And he likes taking them for a test drive--on my shoulder, finger, cheek, and most other fleshy parts he can get his grubby little paws on. Ahem, except for two in particular, thank goodness. For those, he will be cut off, thank you very much. For now, he knows where his bread is buttered.

4. Standing on his own isn't too far away. He's started to take his hands off of whatever he's holding onto while he is standing, briefly letting go before realizing he's not touching anyone or anything. He then either grabs ahold again or sits down. We thought we were in for it when he started crawling--bumps, bruises, mischief? Oh man, it's only just beginning. And I still hate the tile floors...
5. Papa Bo taught him a new game--it's called "You Squeal and I Will Echo as Loud as I Possibly Can". Very funny to watch. I think he relates it specifically to Papa though because when I started playing the other day after his nap, he was looking around for the person squealing as I hid behind the door. Once he realized it was me, he continued to look for someone else. Funny boy.

There are dozens of other new and fun things that he is doing and continues to learn that I could go on and on about, but alas, they will have to wait until Nine. I will say, though, that as he continues to develop his own personality and (sometimes) sassy-ness (can't imagine where that came from), I am finding it more difficult to leave him with other people or let other people help me with him. Not in a "you can't take care of my child way", more in a "but if he makes this noise or that face you couldn't possibly decipher what that means" sort of way. I have been learning him and getting to know him for almost seventeen months now and it's tough to let other people into our little world...especially living in the 'docks where we are mostly on our own the majority of the time. It will take baby steps for me (no pun intended) but really what I have to remind myself is that more than likely he is fine, it's only me who feels the anxiety. And granted, it's usually unwarranted, but nonetheless it's there. And as long as I can figure this out now, which I am, hopefully my moodiness and anxiety won't transfer to him or get to a point where he notices. I'm not a headcase, yet, but I don't want to get to that point.
The Giusti Two (Mason and Walker) are coming to stay with us for a week of camp. We are super pumped and looking forward to a fun-filled week of craziness. This may help us to decide the number of kiddos we can handle...some people are blessed with large families and do a beautiful job at being big, like my sisters. Others, on the other hand, are fine and dandy a tad smaller. We shall see... chaos can be addicting.
And if they are all this cute, who could resist:

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